The Korea Foundation (KF) offers KF Postgraduate Studies Fellowship and KF Postdoctoral Fellowship for research students and scholars in Australia and New Zealand.
The Korea Foundation (KF) offers KF Postgraduate Studies Fellowship and KF Postdoctoral Fellowship for research students and scholars in Australia and New Zealand. This scholarship and fellowship is provided by the KF and is administered by the Korean Studies Association of Australasia (KSAA).
The outcome of the application will be announced in December 2011.
Submissions must be sent by email first and by post to:
Professor Chung-Sok Suh, (President, KSAA)
Executive Director, Korea Research Institute,
The University of New South Wales,
UNSW, Sydney, 2052, NSW, Australia
* Students enrolled (or to be enrolled) in a research degree (Research Master or PhD) in a subject related to Korea in 2011 at a University in Australia or New Zealand.
* Korean citizens are excluded unless they have permanent residency of a foreign country.
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