Friday, November 25, 2011

Sustainable Water Management

Sustainable Water Management:
Study Scholarships and Research Grants for Foreigners

One of the priority funding points to which the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) attaches particular importance in its Framework Programme on "Research for Sustainable Development is Sustainable Water Management (NaWaM): "One of the major challenges of the future is to ensure the supply of clean water to the world population. Population growth, water pollution and the increasing water consumption per capita have a strong impact on water quality. In addition, expansive climate changes and change in land use influence global and regional water cycles and thus question the medium and long-term avail-ability of water."

In view of this background, the BMBF specifically promotes projects to develop, adapt and internationally disseminate technolo-gies and strategies for the sustainable management of the re-source "Water". Of particular interest in this context are the thematic fields of Water and Energy, Water and Health, Water and Nutrition, Water and Environment, as well as Water in Urban Areas. At the centre of the DAAD Special Programme funded with the resources of the BMBF on "Sustainable Water Management" lies in the promotion of young scientists from Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Iran, Jordan, Vietnam and Indonesia. The programme section on "Study Scholarships and Research Grants for Foreigners" offers highly-qualified Students and Doctoral Students from the above-mentioned countries the opportunity to study in specialised relevantly selected English-spoken Master's programmes at German universities, or, for carrying out their PhD projects in the thematic field of "Water in Urban Areas" in Germany.

All details about this program, could be find here.

The documents must be submitted until 2nd January 2012 to
DAAD Jakarta
Gedung Summitmas I Lt. 19
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190
Tel: (021) 5252807, 5200870

Applications received after the deadline and incomplete applications cannot be considered in the selection process.

More Info :